ESG-related data transparency and disclosure
The integration of ESG information into investment decision-making depends on the institutional investment sector’s collective capacity to base decisions on quality, readily-accessible data. This data increases the productivity of investors’ shareholder engagement efforts while bringing value to the enterprise.
Bâtirente thus supports several initiatives aimed at improving the quality of disclosure.
PRI annual report
The PRI ask their signatories to participate in an annual evaluation of their implementation of the 6 principles making up the declaration. We therefore report on our achievements and results in a report validated by the PRI, which reaffirm in 2020 the excellence of our results’ disclosure.
Consult our reports:
Montréal Carbon Pledge
Bâtirente was among the first signatories to the Montréal Carbon Pledge in September 2014. As such, Bâtirente deems that it has a duty to its members and to society to measure its exposure to carbon risk and to consider the various ways of mitigating the associated risks as well as capitalizing on the new investment opportunities.
Consult the Carbon Footprint Report.
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
The TCFD seeks to develop recommendations for consistent, comparable, reliable, clear and efficient climate-related financial disclosures that provide useful information to lenders, insurers and investors.