Press Releases
Measures in place to help you
The situation with the COVID-19 is changing rapidly, day by day. Bâtirente monitors what is going on constantly and takes the necessary measures to ensure continuity in the management of your pension plan and your savings, as well as the security of our team and you, our members. The financial markets have been subject to strong fluctuations since the beginning of March. The situation has stabilized somewhat over the past two weeks but remains very volatile. It is important in this context to remain calm and make decisions with a longer-term perspective.
Update: COVID-19
During this difficult period, we want to remain in touch with you and reassure you on the actions taken by Bâtirente. The situation is evolving rapidly and we are taking all the necessary measures to act responsibly, to ensure the continuity of the management of your retirement and your savings while taking care of the safety of our staff. More than ever, our team is mobilized to provide the necessary support to our members, whether they are still active or retired.
More improvements to the My account secure section
The secure site for plan members is getting better and better! It’s been mobile-friendly (adapted to use on smartphones, tablets and computers) since January, and more improvements are coming September 15.
Le chaud et le froid : garder l’œil sur l’objectif
Au cours des derniers mois, plusieurs événements susceptibles d’affecter l’économie ont fait les manchettes. C’est le cas ces derniers jours des nouvelles économiques canadiennes et de la hausse des taux d’intérêt.
Investor Statement in Support of the Continued Functioning of the Accord to Ensure Bangladesh Factories are Safe for Garment Workers
In May 2013, following the tragic building collapse of Rana Plaza and the death of 1,138 factory workers, the Bangladesh Accord for Fire and Building Safety (Accord) was signed to implement specific safety measures within a five year term and to help build the...
Fonds Bâtirente : une offre renforcée à la retraite et en investissement responsable
C’est afin de refléter les nouvelles tendances des marchés financiers dans sa répartition d’actifs stratégique que Bâtirente entreprend régulièrement un exercice d’optimisation de ses Fonds diversifiés.
Bâtirente célèbre ses bâtisseurs et parle d’avenir à l’occasion de son 30ième anniversaire
Bâtirente a réuni plusieurs de ses bâtisseurs lors d’une soirée hommage à celles et ceux qui ont contribué à mettre sur pied le REER collectif Bâtirente en septembre 1987. Il s’agissait alors du premier jalon de ce qui allait devenir le système de retraite complet choisi par plus de 300 syndicats affiliés à la CSN pour répondre aux besoins de leurs 21 000 membres.
Bâtirente Makes another Investment in Energy Transition
Thanks to a new investment in green bonds, Bâtirente continues its commitment to responsible investing Bâtirente announces the selection of new managers for the Bâtirente Canadian Equity Multi Fund Montréal, December 5, 2017 – Bâtirente is pleased to announce a $15...
Bâtirente salue la bonification du RRQ par le gouvernement
Jeudi dernier, le gouvernement du Québec a annoncé sa décision de bonifier le Régime de rente du Québec. Cette bonification est calquée sur celle convenue dans le régime de pension du Canada pour les salariés des autres provinces. Bâtirente salue la décision du gouvernement qui permettra d’accroître progressivement, de 25 % à 33 % du revenu, la rente de retraite fournie par le régime aux Québécoises et aux Québécois.
Bâtirente Acknowledged for Responsible Investing
Bâtirente was granted an A+ assessment by the PRI for its excellence in responsible investing and governance strategy Montréal, October 19, 2017 – Bâtirente has been recognized once again for its commitment to responsible investing, this time by the PRI. In its most...