Bâtirente was granted an A+ assessment by the PRI for its excellence in responsible investing and governance strategy
Montréal, October 19, 2017 – Bâtirente has been recognized once again for its commitment to responsible investing, this time by the PRI. In its most recent assessment report, the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) recognizes Bâtirente’s progress and excellence regarding its investment strategy and governance as well
as its direct and indirect asset management.
“Responsible investing allows us to combine growing our members’ assets with our deeply-rooted values and desire to have our capital serve social progress”, Bâtirente CEO, Daniel Simard, has noted. “We are incredibly proud of being recognized for our efforts.”
Bâtirente is one of the original signatories of the PRI. Since signing in 2006, it has implemented innovative practices that allow it to clearly demonstrate its commitment to responsible investing. Today, the PRI has significantly highlighted its progress, especially with respect to strategy and governance, awarding it an A+.
The PRI has also awarded Bâtirente an A+ in the category of Active Ownership – Listed Equities.
Far from taking these results for granted, Bâtirente aims to pursue its quest for industry best practice. “We are fortunate to have an extremely dynamic environment for responsible investing in Montréal. To ensure its progression, collaboration with both the local and international communities is one of Bâtirente’s privileged
axes”, adds Mr. Simard.
Bâtirente’s complete PRI Assessment Report, as well as the Transparency Report are available at batirente.qc.ca in the Responsible Investment section.
About Bâtirente
Bâtirente is a group retirement system created in 1987 at the initiative of the CSN. It allows 20,000 workers, grouped in 300 labour unions, to benefit from pension plans tailored to their needs by pooling their savings.
A pioneer in responsible investing in Quebec, Bâtirente believes that actively managing its investee companies’ environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks helps ensure long-term economic and social
development, as well as sound capitalization of the pension plan, which are both required for sustainable financial performance.
For information:
Katya Vanbeselaere, Communications Manager
514 525-5740 ext. 2425