Retirement preparation workshop
A successful transition to retirement
The transition to retirement is a major step in the life of a worker. Several points of reference will change: self-worth related to the job, the dynamics within the couple, social network, etc. It also raises some questions about health and the provisions to take to protect loved ones.
This workshop offers members and their spouses the opportunity to reflect on these topics with the guidance of professionals in law, health, career counselling and personal finance.
Moreover, for financial matters, a Bâtirente group-annuity advisor will detail the retirement benefits from the public pensions, the group membership plan and other possible sources of income. As well, the different options offered by Bâtirente to convert your savings into a regular retirement income will be discussed.
This retirement preparation workshop is recommended to workers who are considering retiring within the next five years. It lasts ten hours and is generally given over two days.
Group representative
If you are a group representative and you wish to organize a retirement preparation workshop, please click on the button below and your representative will contact you.
Members who are interested in participating in a retirement preparation workshop are invited to contact their group representative.
1 800 463-6984